Mike Frank, CSP, CPAE

BBA—University of Georgia
(Major—Insurance/Real Estate)
Worked his way up from salesman, to manager, to district manager, to regional manager, to national sales manager, to vice president of sales of an international sales corporation.........within 4 years and before he was 26 years old.
Has spoken to over 3,000 audiences in the United States, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, the Bahamas, Bermuda, the Philippines, and Mexico.
Mike has spoken on programs with: Johnny Bench, Dr. Ken Blanchard, Rocky Bleier and Bruce (Caitlin) Jenner, as well as the late:
Zig Ziglar, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Paul Harvey, Dr. Robert Schuller, Og Mandino, Art Linkletter, Bob Richards, and Dr. Leo Buscaglia. -
Co-author of two books.
In 1995, Mike published his first solely authored book.
He has made several THOUSAND "cold-call" field sales presentations and has "field trained" over 100 salespeople.
Mike has been featured in many corporate "in house" video tape training programs.
Mike was the 1980-81 President of the 2,500 member, National Speakers Association.
In 1980, he received the CSP designation (Certified Speaking Professional) from the National Speaker's Association. Fewer than 2% of all the professional speakers in the world have received this distinction/certification.
In 1990, Mike became the first and only speaker to receive both of the National Speakers Association's highest honors in the same year:
1) The CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame Award (Council of Peers Award for Excellence), presented to him by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (only 195 other speakers have received this prestigious award....including: Zig Ziglar, General Colin Powell, Tom Hopkins, Dr. Ken Blanchard, Art Linkletter, Ronald Reagan,
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Harvey Mackay, Marilyn Van Derbur, and Og Mandino) -
2) The CAVETT AWARD, the most cherished honor in the speaking industry. It is given to only one speaker each year.
In 2004, Mike was a recipient of the "Legend of the Speaking Profession" award. Fewer than 100 speakers in the world have received this recognition.
Grew up in Texas and Virginia, before going to college in Athens, Georgia.
Was president of his high school fraternity AND college fraternity.....both in his junior years.
Lived in Denver, Colorado......Los Angeles, California..... San Francisco, California.....Cleveland, Ohio.....Canton, Ohio.... Norfolk, Virginia.....Houston, Texas.....Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Columbus, Ohio...before recently settling in Cary, North Carolina.
He has a daughter who is a Physician's Assistant. She is married to a Doctor and they have two young sons....the grandsons that Mike adores. Mike has a son who is a lawyer in Austin, Texas.
Mike loves country music and Motown (but his favorite all time singer was Jackie Wilson), sings Karaoke, travel, movies, good food, horseback riding, kids, and animals.
He collected sports cards for many years. At one time he had over 2,000,000 items.